
Tuesday, 24 February 2015

How To Change The Branch in M.Tech

How To Change The Branch in M.Tech

Have you ever got bored of studying the branch of engineering you are in? Have you ever felt that if you change branch in M.Tech you will do better? Most of the students from Electrical, Mechanical posted these questions whether they can change their branch to Computers or Electronics. I conducted a study of IIT admissions in 2010 and eligibly criteria for admission into different branches. Hope this study will help student who are planning for M.Tech in other branches then their core branch in B.Tech.
This will also help student to apply to IITs with less GATE scores. As an example, if someone has less score in CS & IT paper, they can apply in civil engineering department for Geo Informatics Systems course. As most of the CS students apply for only CS department this gives a great chance for students with lesser scores to apply in other than core departments.
Admission to some of the branches needs valid GATE score in the same department that one wants to change. For example, if someone wants to change for Electrical Engineering to Computer Science in M.Tech, he needs to have a valid GATE score in Computer and IT stream.
The details of the eligibility in different departments with additional requirements are given below. This is more or less same in all institutes especially in IITs but can differ from institute to institute. IITs give more flexibility compared to other institutes. The blow information is mostly influenced by IITM M.Tech admissions and a part of Must Read Articles for M.Tech Admissions.
M.Tech CourseEligible BranchesAdditional Requirements
Aerospace EngineeringAlmost all branches are of engineering are eligibleGATE Paper must be Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or XE
Civil EngineeringCivil Engineering, Architecture, Other Disciplines in Engg/Technology, Other Disciplines in ScienceGATE Paper must be Civil Engineering
Chemical EngineeringBiochemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental / Environmental and Civil Engg., Other Disciplines in Engg/Technology, Other Disciplines in ScienceGATE Paper must be Chemical Engineering
Computer ScienceAll BranchesGATE Paper must be Computer Science and IT
Electrical EngineeringBiomedical Engineering, Electronics and Communications Engg., Electrical Engineering, Engineering Physics, Instrumentation, Other Disciplines in Engg/TechnologyGATE Paper must be ECE or EEE
Mechanical EngineeringAlmost All Engineering branches are allowedGATE paper other than ME
Metallurgical and Materials EngineeringChemical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Production Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
Nuclear EngineeringChemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, PhysicsGATE Paper must be in relevant branch of Engineering
Ocean EngineeringAeronautical/Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Marine EngineeringGATE Paper must be other than XL
Petroleum EngineeringCivil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Production Engineering, Naval ArchitectureGATE Paper must be CE,CH,ME,MT or XE
PhysicsElectronics and Communication, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical and Materials Engineering. Physics, Sciences
I will be making another post related to changing branch in M.Tech by just reversing the order of this table to make easy to understand it either way. This will definitely help students in making a right choice during M.Tech admissions.
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Don’t hesitate to drop a comment if you want to share some information or have a doubt. Either I or someone from readers will definitely respond to you. But I recommend you to use the search option available on the top of sidebar to get more information, as we have already touched almost all the topics related to GATE and M.Tech here.
Wish you all a great luck ahead.

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